St Michael the Archangel Church (often known as just 'St Michael's Church')      

                  St Michael's Square, Old Town, Southampton, SO14 2AD                        

We are a Church of England congregation

You are most warmly welcomed to our church and our services, whatever your faith (or lack of faith)


Sunday 10:30am  Sung Eucharist (and Sunday School)

Tuesday 4–4:45pm  Contemplative prayer and Meditation (enter by the North door) – an ecumenical group led by lay people.

Wednesday 5:30pm  Evening Prayer in the Lady Chapel

Wednesday 6pm  Said Eucharist in the Lady Chapel

Thursday 12:30pm  Said Eucharist

Friday 12 noon  Litany of Reconciliation. A short (5 minutes) litany as part of our membership of the Community of the Cross of Nails.

              2025 Easter services - for details, see 'Easter' at the top of this page

Safeguarding (& see separate pages via the links at the top of this page)

Lorna Brown, Safeguarding Officer.  Telephone: 07774 704016

Alternatively, you can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer: Jackie Rowlands - 01962 737317

If neither Safeguarding Officer is available and you need immediate advice or help Monday to Friday 6pm - 8am, or on a weekend or bank holidays, please call the Hampshire Children's Services Department out of hours service on: 0300 555 1384 

For all emergency situations, contact the Police on 999


We welcome all visitors!  Please come in and enjoy our beautiful church which is over 950 years old.

We aim to open the church to visitors and for private prayer on Monday–Saturday 11am–1pm and 1pm–3pm on Sundays and Mondays.

We rely on volunteers to welcome visitors so there may be times when we are unable to open; in which case, please accept our apologies.

Cantores Michaelis provide wonderful music for the liturgy (Sung Eucharist and other special services).  See the separate page, via the 'Music at St Michael's' drop down menu above, for details including the music programme for forthcoming services.

We share Prayers, Readings and News via email, this website ansocial media.  This week's News and Readings can be found here.

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